Ride The Wind (Vincente 3) Read online

Page 19

  Her eyes sparkled with pleasure. "You are glorious," she said, touching the muscle that bulged at his forearm.

  He laughed softly. "I don't think a woman has ever said that to me before." He knew the moment the words had left his mouth that he'd made a mistake. He saw her brow furrow, and she pulled away from him.

  "Saber, forgive me. I spoke before I thought." He touched her lips and allowed his finger to trail down her throat. "I have to accustom myself to a woman's softer ways."

  There was a pout on her lips. "I don't want to be reminded of the other women you have known."

  His hand moved to the curve of her breasts. "As far as I'm concerned, there has never been anyone except you. The others were nothing."

  "You might as well know this about me, Reese: I will never live with a man who wants other women. To me that would be dishonorable, and I could never have a husband without honor."

  He paused, studying the soft mound that begged to be touched. "Is that the way you think of me?"

  "No. I just think we should say these things here and now. You don't want me to dance for other men. I don't want you to-"

  He closed her mouth with his finger. "When a man has a river, why would he desire a puddle?"

  She wasn't sure, but she thought he might have just given her a compliment. It was hard to think, because his finger was tracing a line around her nipple, and an impatient cry escaped her lips. Every move he made tantalized her. Gently rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he enticed her until heat rushed through her.

  But that was only the beginning of the pleasure.

  When he dipped his head to take the rosy tip into his mouth, she ran her fingers through his hair, dragging air into her lungs.

  His tongue swirled around her nipple; then he gave the same attention to the other one. Saber couldn't keep her body still. She threw back her head and moaned.

  Reese moved to her lips and smothered a cry with his mouth. The kiss was drugging, and she felt like screaming when he pulled her naked body against his, absorbing the shocks that went through her.

  He had never been so excited with a woman before. Beneath Saber's innocence a fire was smoldering, and he was the one who would bring it to full flame!

  Reese's eyes glittered silver, and Saber caught a glimpse of an expression she had seen before; she didn't know how to interpret it. It was fierce and gentle at the same time, yet somehow primitive. What was he thinking? she wondered.

  But he didn't give her time to think about it. Her body quivered wherever he touched, and he touched her everywhere, his hands trailing sensuously across her breasts and over her stomach. He then moved downward, slowly parting her legs, kissing her all the while.

  Saber wanted him to say he loved her; in fact, she was sure that when he was making love to her, he would finally tell her how he felt about her.

  At last he broke off the kiss and raised his head, asking in a husky voice, "Are you sure I'm not frightening you?"

  Saber licked her lips, wanting more from him than he'd given her up to now. "How could I fear the man who has stood between me and harm so many times?" She touched his cheek and tenderly smiled. "No, I don't fear you."

  He touched his lips to each eyelid and slid down to her mouth, all the while spreading her legs apart.

  He could feel the tenseness in her and wanted to put her mind at ease. "What will happen between us has been going on since the beginning of time, Saber." He gently touched his mouth to hers and groaned when she pressed more tightly against him. He covered a gasp as his hand touched her intimately and slowly slid into her female core. "No, don't stiffen, sweetheart. Just let yourself feel."

  She suddenly tried to move upward to escape the intrusion into her body.

  "Easy. Try not to move," he murmured in her ear. "Let me lead you to a world of touching and feeling."

  All she could do was nod, but she was still stiff, so he caressed the inside of her, feeling her begin to move restlessly.

  She arched her hips, trying to get closer to the hands that were now giving her pleasure. She groaned, she whispered his name, and then her arms stole around his shoulders. Now she trembled with joy; her body felt more alive than it ever had. She waited for each new touch, each new sensation that went throbbing through her. Through the open window the faint sound of music drifted into the room, but she heard only the murmuring of her name on his lips.

  Reese was on the verge of losing control completely. The sensuous manipulation of his finger plunging into her was driving her crazy and stirring his own need to the breaking point. His tightly muscled body pressed her into the mattress, and she gasped at the wonderful feel of him.

  His eyes closed for a moment as desire went through him like the lash of a whip. She was ready for him now, so he nudged her legs farther apart and slid his erection into her.

  Saber gasped and tried to arch upward again, but he stilled her with his hand. "No, sweetheart, don't do that. It will only hurt you if you take too much of me at once."

  "I want ...I feel..."

  He breathed against her lips, and they quiv ered. "I know what you want. Just trust me, Saber."

  Her hands laced in his midnight hair when his lips touched hers. As he deepened the kiss, he inched into her slowly. He was trembling from the effort it took to gentle his movement, feeling as if he'd explode at any time-throbbing hardness slid into hot velvet, melding, joining, becoming as one.

  Saber still felt him holding back, and she wanted more. There had been no pain, as he had warned. She slid her hands to his waist and raised her hips upward, taking more of him into her.

  Again he stilled her. "Don't do that, sweetheart. Don't tempt me too far, or I might hurt you."

  "I don't understand," she said, moving her head back and forth feverishly.

  "Sweetheart," he said between kissing her throat and then her breasts. "I'm large, and you are small. I have to be careful."

  Pleasure rippled through her as he eased forward just enough to make her feel as if her insides were being filled by him. She let out her breath in a sigh as he paused at the wall of her virginity. With a quick jab he broke through, and she stiffened.

  "No, Reese!" she cried. "You are too big."

  His mouth cut off her protest, and he moved gently back and forth. "I will go no farther," he promised, gritting his teeth to keep from filling her completely. He tasted the saltiness of her tears and felt a stinging in his own eyes.

  "Let this be the first and the last time I hurt you." And then he proceeded to take her mind off the pain by bringing her pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. His mouth was on her breasts, sucking and stimulating. His hands fit under her thighs, lifting her for his forward thrusts. Then he parted her lips and slid his tongue between hers, and she could taste the brandy in his mouth.

  Suddenly her hips moved in time with his, causing warmth and pleasure to spread through her whole being. She twisted her head, reared her body, and shook with tremors as something magical happened to her.

  A low groan issued from his lips, and his body found pleasure beyond any he'd ever felt. He had craved her for so long, and now she was his in every sense of the word. He surged into her, emptying his seed. He had never felt this way before, and he was sure it was because he loved her.

  Her arms slid around his back, and she kissed his cheek and then his lips. Reese was amazed when he felt himself responding again so soon, and he grew hard.

  He wanted her anew.

  He would never have enough of her. Now he had stood at the gates of Eden and been allowed to enter.

  Her hand trailed down his back, and she was lost in the wonder of what had just happened between them. "I didn't know it would be like this."

  He swallowed deeply and eased most of his weight onto his elbows, then kissed her tenderly. "Are you all right?" he asked in concern.

  She touched her lips to his rough cheek, loving the feel of him still inside her. "Yes, I am more than all right. It was just so..." She
searched for the word. "Beautiful."

  "Yes," he said softly against her ear. `Beautiful."

  Her fingers trailed up to the back of his neck, and she nipped at his lips with her teeth.

  Reese's eyes widened. She was being playful, and he was beginning to be fiercely aroused again. It was too soon he didn't want to hurt her. His arms went around her, and he held her tightly, wishing he'd never have to let her go.

  "I want it to always be like tonight, Reese."

  He threw back his head and laughed. "I have many more things to show you that will be even better, my little bride. We have just begun."

  She gazed into his silver eyes and was touched by their warmth. "When will you show me?"

  "You little wildcat." He laughed, rolling her over until she was on top of him. "I just introduced you to the pleasures of the flesh, and you want more." Warmth and happiness filled him. He had always thought that married women looked upon going to bed with their husbands as their duty. But not Saber. She had given herself to him without holding back, and she had met his lovemaking with a passion to match his own.

  "It's the hot Spanish blood in me. You can't say I didn't warn you about that side of me."

  Reese had never thought of himself as having any weaknesses, but Saber had become his weakness. He would do anything for a smile from those lips. He had wanted to be inside her every time he looked at her. Now he was buried in her sweetness, and he never wanted to withdraw. But he did. He was afraid he would hurt her if he took her again so soon.

  She stretched her silken body alongside his and nestled her head on his shoulder, her fingers running through the hair on his chest. She was entirely comfortable with the fact that they were both naked. He liked that about her.

  "What do we do now?" she asked pensively.

  He arched his brow at her. "You mean right now?"

  She laughed. "No. I mean in the morning."

  "What do you want to do?"

  "I want to go home."

  His throat tightened, and he couldn't speak for a moment. "Home?"

  "Yes, to our ranch." She raised her head and looked at him. "Can we? We have a lot of work to do."

  "Yes, of course. If that's what you want."

  "What do you want to do, Reese?"

  "I want to take my wife home." He held her so close he could feel her intake of breath. "How soon can you pack?"

  "I have a lot of things that belonged to my mother that I will want, Reese. But we can always send for them later when you build me a bigger house."

  He had been waiting for this. Would she want something in the grand style of Casa del Sol? She must know he couldn't afford this kind of house. But she had money perhaps she would want to use it to build a house. No, he would never allow that. "What kind of building are you speaking of, Saber?"

  "I think another bedroom, and perhaps we can enlarge the living room. What do you think?"

  He felt himself relax. Her gentle understanding touched him deeply. "That won't be for some time, Saber."

  "I know. Then all I will need is one trunk for now. Later Noble can transport the rest."

  "What kinds of things, Saber?"

  "The piano, linens, laces, dishes-it's an endless list. But Noble will keep everything here until we have room."

  "I like to hear a piano. Can you play?"

  She tossed her head back so her golden curls swirled around him. "I play better than I dance."

  He shook with laughter. "Then God help me."

  He ran his hand over her hips, still amazed by the silkiness of her skin. Her hair was soft and smelled wonderful, and her lips were so kissable. He had never thought she would be his, but she was, and he pitied any man who tried to lay a hand on her!

  She moved her finger over the creases in his forehead. "What are you thinking? You look so serious."

  "I want you again, but it's too soon." He moved her aside, stood up, and walked to the window. "I know it's too soon."

  He dropped down in a chair and enjoyed the sight of her stretched out naked on the bed. She was beautiful in every way. Rachel had been right when she'd said that Saber was special. She was sweet-natured well, most of the time as well as loving and understanding.

  He watched her swing her legs off the bed and walk toward him, moving her hips enchantingly. He stopped breathing when she slid onto his lap, and he swelled painfully.

  "I'm your wife. You can have me anytime you want me."

  He groaned as she settled on his erection. He threw back his head as she placed her hands on his shoulders and squirmed until he was inside her.

  "I don't want to hurt you, sweetheart."

  She nipped at his ear and whispered, "Don't hurt me; just love me."

  He arched upward, out of control, driving deeply into her tightness. He lifted her and laid her on the bed without withdrawing from her.

  "Saber," he said in a choked voice, his body driving into hers. "Saber."

  She met his thrusts and fell into his rhythm. Her body trembled with release, and Reese cried out at the sensation of being surrounded by wet, hot honey. He quaked with total satisfaction and fell forward, drained of strength. He had never known such fulfillment, and Reese knew he would have her again, because he was still swollen inside her.

  The room reflected the soft, rosy glow of sunrise, and it fell on Saber's sleeping face, fascinating her new husband. He'd been watching her for some time, and he still couldn't believe his good luck. She had chosen to marry him. But why? Someone like her would never fall in love with a man like him.

  He wound a golden curl around his finger, fascinated by how alive it felt. He had awakened her passion, and he had satisfied it as well, but he wanted what Rachel and Noble had. He wanted to fill her belly with his seed. He wanted her to say the words that he'd almost cried out last night while in the throes of passion he wanted to hear her say she loved him.

  He looked at the richly furnished room, knowing he would never be able to give her anything like this.

  Her lashes fluttered open, and he looked into the blue eyes he loved so well. She smiled and stretched like a cat before a warm fire. The sheet slid down to her waist, and he had a good view of her satiny breasts.

  He groaned, wanting her again, and knowing she must be sore. She made a dive for him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing those breasts against his hard chest.

  "Is it morning already?"

  He trailed a finger down her cheek. "Uh-huh."

  She raised her mouth to be kissed, and he laughed, hugging her to him. "You're as affectionate as a kitten," he said, giving her the kiss she wanted.

  She broke off the kiss. "Do you mind?"

  "Not me. I like everything about you. Don't change anything."

  Saber stared into silver eyes that made her feel weak all over. She could get lost in those transparent depths. He had been magnificent last night. He was a gentle lover, except for the time she had taunted him into madness. She smiled at the memory, pleased that she had such power over him. She rubbed her breasts against him and nibbled his ear.

  He growled and pulled her under him. "You won't be able to walk for a week by the time I get through with you. I had good intentions of making love to you only once."

  She smiled slyly. "If I can't walk, we'll just have to stay in bed, won't we?"

  His lips covered hers, and he spread her legs, sliding into her. He wanted her every time she looked at him. What would he do when they got home? He'd never get any work done.

  She bit her lower lip as he rocked with her, thrusting, pulling back, and thrusting again. They rode the wave of passion, and afterward lay locked in each other's arms.

  She closed her eyes, so grateful that she had married the one man in the world who would make her happy. She thought of how close she had come to marrying Matthew and hugged Reese tighter. Reese needed her he might not know it yet, but he would find it out eventually. She almost purred as he dipped his head and took her nipple in his mouth. If she'd never known
Reese, her life would never have been complete.

  "I'm hungry," she said, pulling away from him. She stood and went to the bellpull, tugged on it, then turned to find Reese watching her. "We'd better get dressed quickly, because within five minutes the maid will come knocking on that door." She pulled on her robe and belted it at the waist while he got dressed.

  The expected knock came, and Saber called out, "Come on in, Lupe."

  A middle-aged Mexican woman and her younger daughter entered, the mother carrying a heavy tray, which Reese took from the woman and placed on a small table.

  Both women bobbed a curtsy, smiling cheerfully. "Do you need anything else, Senorita Saber?" the elder one inquired.

  "Si. In an hour we will both want to bathe. After lunch we will be leaving, and I will want the traveling coach loaded and ready."

  "Si, senorita, er, I forget, senora."

  Lupe's daughter approached Reese. "Senor," she said in accented English, "a man brought to you this letter. He said I was to give it into your hands."

  He nodded and waited for the two servants to leave before he spoke. "You issued orders to the servants with the ease of someone accustomed to doing it all her life."

  "I have. But I was taught by my father to treat the servants kindly and with respect. I hope I have always done that."

  "I wasn't implying otherwise. I just want you to remember you will have no servants at Starrett Ranch."

  She frowned, troubled. "I know that, Reese. It seems to bother you more than it bothers me."

  "If you had married Matthew you would have had servants."

  "I know. But I didn't want to marry Matthew."

  He held the chair for her to be seated. Then he sat across from her, still studying her closely. His eyes dropped to the breakfast before him: coffee, tea, sweet rolls, biscuits, fluffy scrambled eggs, ham, bacon, and fresh fruit. It was a feast big enough to feed six people. What was he doing taking Saber away from all this?

  "Aren't you going to read your letter?" she asked with interest.