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Ride The Wind (Vincente 3) Page 15
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Page 15
"What? Are you saying my sister loves that man?"
"Of course. If you were a woman, you'd understand why. He is extraordinary looking."
Noble still looked confused and a little jealous that his wife found another man handsome. "Are you saying Saber loves Reese, and he doesn't know it?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying," she answered, taking the reins of Reese's horse and leading it toward the barn. "And you aren't to say anything to him. That will be up to Saber to do."
Noble had no choice but to lead his horse and follow her. "I won't have this, Rachel. First she's going to marry Matthew-although I refuse to let her marry him, and now she loves Reese Starrett. What's going on? What?"
"I don't know Matthew Halloway, but I like Reese Starrett, just from what Saber has told me about him. He isn't wealthy, and he doesn't have an aristocratic name, but he's honorable, and if it weren't for him we wouldn't have Saber."
Reese stood at the door with his hat in his hand. "Saber."
She hadn't heard him ride up because she'd been locked in her private hell. When she heard Reese's voice, a sob escaped her lips, and she walked out the bedroom door, wanting to be in his arms.
Reese could only stare at the beautiful vision in a long-sleeved pink gown with golden hair tumbling down her back to her waist. He had never seen anything that touched him so deeply. He wanted to rush to her, but this was not the Saber he knew. This was the polished and exquisitely dressed Miss Vincente.
But Saber took the decision out of his hands. She ran to him, throwing her body against the hard wall of his, and his arms went around her like a protective shield.
"Oh, Reese, Reese. I...took a life. I killed Eugene Miller!"
He buried his face in her hair and held her tightly so his body could absorb her sobs. "I know, Saber. I know. But you had to." His lips touched her cheek, and he closed his eyes, loving her to the depths of his soul. "Don't think about it. It's over and done with."
She buried her face against his rough shirt and slid her arms around his shoulders. "I wanted you here with me. I knew you would make the nightmares go away."
He raised her chin and stared into tear-filled blue eyes. "What nightmares, Saber?"
"Every time I close my eyes, I see his dead eyes staring at me. He didn't think I'd shoot him, Reese. But I had to-I had to!"
He cradled her head against him. "It's over, sweetheart. He can't hurt you now."
"Yes-you're here now, and everything will be fine again. For the first time since you left, I feel safe."
He knew that she had come to depend on him, and that was more painful to him than if she were indifferent to him because he would have to let her go, and soon she wouldn't be his to take care of.
He looked at her dainty hand with its slender fingers and delicately shaped nails, and he dipped his head to press his lips against that hand. For this moment she was his. But soon the world would come through that door in the shape of her brother, and he would have to let go of her forever.
She raised her head and looked into those silver eyes that were softened by gentleness. "Promise me you will never leave me again, Reese!"
There was agonizing regret in his heart. "That's one promise I can't make, and you know it, Saber."
She stepped away from him and raised her head to that proud tilt that he recognized so well. "You are right, of course. Since I no longer have to worry about the Millers, I can leave now."
"Your brother has come to take you away."
"Noble?" She started for the door. "Where is he?"
"I suspect he's talking to his wife."
Saber rushed out the door, looking about for Noble. Then she ran toward the barn. She needed her brother. Oh, she needed him so desperately!
Saber and Rachel were in the bedroom packing her trunk while Reese and Noble were sitting by the fire in the parlor. Reese was cleaning his rifle, and Noble was quietly pondering something in his mind.
At last Noble said, "I'm going to say something to you, and I don't want you to misunderstand."
Reese glanced up quizzically. "I believe we have come to know each other in a short space of time. You can say what you will to me."
Noble grinned. "Remember you said that when I make my proposal to you."
"If you are going to offer me money, stop right now."
"No. It isn't money, it's something more valuable, and it will help us both out. I like what you've done with this ranch. You've had a bit of hard luck, but that can change."
Reese looked at him warily. "And you are going to tell me how I can do that?"
"Well, I wouldn't have put it quite like that, but, yes."
Reese finished oiling the rifle and set it aside, crossing his arms over his chest. "Go on. I'm listening."
"I purchased four bulls from England and seventy-five head of cattle from Spain. I want to crossbreed them and see if I can come up with a healthier and beefier herd."
Reese nodded. "It might work."
"Well, here's the rub," Noble said, glancing into the fire. "I have been looking for someone who is willing to throw in with me."
"Why? And in what way?"
"I want to split the herd and the bulls, run half of them on Case del Sol and the other half with someone I find capable of such an endeavor."
"That someone being me?"
Noble leaned forward. He respected Reese Starrett as much as any man he'd ever met, and he had saved Saber's life. Furthermore, if Rachel was to be believed, Saber loved Reese. He certainly liked Reese better than he liked Maj. Matthew Halloway. "I told you, I've seen what you've done here, and you are the right man to split the herd with me. You've got the river and excellent grazing."
"I don't think so, Noble. This is just another way for you to offer me money."
"That's where you are wrong. I don't intend to give you my cattle, and what I propose will take a lot of work. I am prepared to split any offspring that come from the breeding. Fifty-fifty."
Reese leaned forward with sudden interest. "You know I lost most of my herd. If we have another bad winter, I could lose your herd as well."
"I'm a betting man sometimes. And I have this gut feeling that we won't have two bad winters back-to-back."
"Can I think about it?"
"There's not that much time. We have already missed most of this year's breeding season. You need to decide soon, Reese now, today. The cattle arrived two weeks before I left Casa del Sol. It will take at least three weeks for my drovers to herd them here."
Reese had lived his life as a loner, never quite trusting anyone but he trusted Noble Vincente. He rarely let anyone get close to him or touch the world he'd created for himself But Saber Vincente was banging on the door, and he knew there had been moments when he'd wanted to throw it open, if she would have him. He thought of her brother and how close she was to him. For the first time in his life, he wanted that kind of closeness in his life. He wanted children he wanted Saber to mother his children.
"Well?" Noble asked. "What do you think? As I said, we would be helping each other."
Reese nodded. Saber would soon be leaving, but if he and Noble went into partnership in this, he'd still have a connection to her. "I'll do it."
Noble grinned and extended his hand. "It looks like I have a partner."
After a long silence, Reese said, "I assume you'll be taking Saber to Casa del Sol. When will you leave?"
"Early in the morning. We've taken advantage of your hospitality long enough. But I won't be taking her home just yet. Saber needs to settle this thing between her and Matthew. We Vin centes have never run from-or ignored our troubles. No matter if Mrs. Halloway wants to keep my sister hidden away, I will never allow that. I will put her out there for the world to see."
"Noble, Matthew loves Saber. When he's not under the influence of his mother and father, he's an entirely different person."
"I like a man who is consistent. But that will be my sister's choice; only she can decide."
eese stared back at the fire again and spoke in a hard voice. "I just want you to know that you need to look out for Graham Felton. He's not in Mexico, or Eugene would never have shown up here. I suspect he's still after Saber. I'm going to track him if I can."
"It's not your place, Reese. I will take care of Mr. Felton."
"It is my place. I started this, and I'll finish it."
Noble nodded, knowing Reese would do what he said. "I agree, on one condition."
"And that is?"
"If you find him, send me word. I want to be there, too. I have to know why he did this to my sister, or I'll never have any peace of mind."
"I'll let you know, if there's time. But if it means losing his trail, I'll go it alone. I don't intend to kill him unless I have to. I want to know myself why he had Saber kidnapped."
Noble looked into Reese's eyes and nodded. He understood more than Reese thought he did. Reese was going after Felton because he loved Saber, and for no other reason.
Saber wore a gray wool gown that matched her mood. She glanced about the bedroom, knowing she was seeing it for the last time. She would have been so happy here if she could have slept in that bed as Reese's wife.
Her footsteps were heavy as she moved into the tiny parlor and found Jake and Gabe waiting for her there.
"We wanted to say good-bye, Miss Vincente," Jake said, running his fingers around the brim of the hat he clutched in his hand.
Gabe grinned. "It's been a pleasure to know you, Miss Vincente. I'll miss your cooking."
She went to Jake and kissed his cheek. "Take care of yourself, Jake."
He blushed and looked pleased.
She then moved to Gabe and brushed her lips against his leathery skin. "You look after Mr. Starrett, Gabe."
He grinned and held his face where she'd kissed him. "Yes, ma'am, I'll surely do that, but a man like him takes a powerful lot of looking after."
She smiled, fighting the urge to cry. "We are in agreement on that." She hurried out the door and walked in the direction of the barn, wondering if Reese would be there. He would probably be happy to be rid of her, since she'd brought him nothing but trouble.
The inside of the barn was dark, but Saber saw Reese pitching hay to the horses. He didn't look up as she approached, but she knew he was aware of her presence.
"I couldn't leave without saying good-bye to you, Reese."
He paused, leaning a gloved hand on the handle of the pitchfork. "I'm sure you are anxious to see the last of this place." He didn't quite meet her eyes.
She placed her hand on his arm. "I have been contented here, Reese. You gave me a time to heal, and I will always be grateful to you for that. You have done so much for me. I owe you more than I can ever repay."
He gave her a piercing gaze, and his light eyes turned silver. "You don't owe me a damned thing. I told you, Matthew paid me for what I did for you."
"Yes, but-"
He removed his gloves and tossed them aside. "Damn it, Saber, go to Matthew and talk to him tell him how you feel. He loves you."
Tears welled in her eyes. "I'll just say good-bye then, Reese." She stepped closer, still unable to leave. "Hold me, Reese. Just this one last time."
A deep growl escaped his lips, and he grabbed her, clutching her so tightly she could hardly breathe. It felt glorious to be in his arms. If only he knew how much she loved him if only he loved her, everything would be perfect!
He had managed to keep a tight rein on his feelings so far, but his control was slipping rapidly. His lips were hard and demanding as he ground them against hers. His tongue slid between her lips, and he groaned, backing her against the wall and lifting her, bracing her weight against him. He settled his hardening erection against her, and he fought against shoving her underclothes aside and driving into her.
Saber thought she would faint from the excitement he aroused in her. She forgot every thing but the touch of his hand against her skin.
His mouth moved to the front of her gown, and he moved it against the material, kissing, nudging, making her cry out with awakening desire.
"Why couldn't you have just left without saying good-bye, Saber?"
His words barely penetrated her consciousness. She tossed her head back and whispered his name when he pushed her gown up and spread her legs. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. His hand moved between her thighs, and he slid his finger inside her, causing her to arch and buck against him.
"Reese, oh, Reese."
His neck muscles corded, and his breathing came out in a hiss when his finger reached through her hot tightness until he came to the barrier he'd hoped to find. His body trembled, and he gritted his teeth.
Saber was still a virgin!
She had not been violated. He wrestled with the temptation to break through that barrier, but he slowly withdrew his hand and set her on her feet.
His voice was deep and harsh. "You can assure Matthew that the Miller brothers didn't violate you while you were unconscious."
She blinked her eyes as she came back to reality. "I... what?"
He straightened her gown and gazed into her confused blue eyes. "I have just felt the proof that you were untouched, Saber."
"I don't care about that. It doesn't matter any longer."
"It will matter when you see Matthew again, Saber. Although, if I were you, I'd tell him your memory came back and not admit to what I just did to you." He pushed her tumbled hair away from her face.
She looked into his eyes and saw torment and hopelessness. "Why did you stop, Reese?"
He glanced up at the rafters as if he were having a hard time speaking. "It was difficult to touch you and let you go, Saber. You will never know how much that cost me."
Her mouth went dry, and she felt pain rip though her with such intensity that she pressed her hand against her heart.
Reese loved her!
She saw the love shining in his eyes how could she not have seen it before now? She knew the reason he had avoided her since he'd returned: he didn't trust himself around her.
But the realization of that love brought her only momentary happiness, because he would never admit to her that he loved her. He would never take a woman who belonged to his friend. Why did he have to be a man of such integrity and honesty?
Loving him as she did, she could do no less than he was willing to do. She could never admit to him how deeply she loved him, because it would only bring him torment, and he would be burdened by the knowledge.
"Reese, do you think love lasts forever -4 mean, real love, the kind that comes along only once in a lifetime?"
He breathed deeply and reached up to tie a bow that had come undone on her gown. "Yes. If love is real, it will last forever and perhaps beyond." He turned her toward the door. "So you see, you have nothing to worry about. Matthew will be waiting for you with all the love a man can give a woman."
Her eyes were sad and teary. She softly touched his lips, and he closed his eyes. "I will remember what you have told me. Love is forever."
His voice was deep, strained, his eyes still intense. "You had better leave, Saber."
She nodded, turned, and ran from the barn. She was running away from the man she would always love to marry a man she could never love.
An hour later they were ready to leave. Rachel was seated in the carriage, and her brother was mounted on his horse. When Saber approached from the house, Noble dismounted and helped her into the carriage.
"Ready to go, Saber?"
"Yes. Take me away from here."
She settled back against the cushions, and Rachel placed a lap robe over her. "We'll be in Fort Worth before sundown," she said.
Oh, Reese, she cried silently as the carriage pulled away from the ranch house, why must life be so unfair?
After they had been traveling for some time, Rachel knew she had to tell Saber what Matthew and his parents had requested of her before the marriage. But when she had done so, Saber did not react with the indignation Rachel had expected.<
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"Do you understand what I'm saying, Saber?"
"Does Reese know about this?" Saber asked.
Rachel frowned. "Yes. Noble said he was furious. You can imagine what your brother's reaction was. In fact, Noble wanted to take you directly to Casa del Sol and tell the Halloways to well... go to hell. But I managed to persuade him that this was your decision and that you had to see Matthew and talk to him yourself."
Saber's voice was calm because she was remembering what Reese had said to her in the barn. Now it all made sense. What he'd done for her had been because he loved her and didn't want to see her suffer the indignity of being examined at the Halloways' request.
Rachel settled back against a fluffy pillow and looked thoughtful.
"If you don't love Matthew, you will be doing him a great disservice by marrying him, Saber. You could end it, you know."
"Sometimes we get caught up in a situation that we can do nothing about. If Matthew still wants to marry me, how can I refuse?" After a while, she added softly, "Reese loves me."
"I am so relieved he told you. Now you can do something about it."
"He didn't tell me. You have to understand the kind of man he is and why he's that way. We can never be together never."
Rachel shook her head, thinking about the tangle that awaited them in Fort Worth, and the one they had just left behind.
It was a little after dark when they reached town. Noble took his sister straight to the hotel and had dinner served in her room. Then he went in search of Matthew.
Reese lifted the pan off the stove and muttered a curse, dropping it back down and rubbing his burned hand. Nothing was going right. But what did it matter-what did anything matter since Saber had left?
He remembered how confused she'd been in the barn that morning. She was so young and innocent. She'd been caught in a situation not of her making. If she hadn't been kidnapped, he would probably have gone to her wedding and watched her marry Matthew without feeling any emotion toward her at all.